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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-999

var attributes in JSF datatable not recognized by Seam Validator


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.1.0.beta1
    • 2.0.0.Beta3
    • jsf
    • None

      Named "var" attributes in a JSF datatable are not being recognized and are therefore evaluated by the Seam Validator as an Invalid Expression. For instance if I have the following:

      <h:dataTable var="entry" value="#


      <h:outputText value="#

      {entry.value}" />

      myList is recognized but entry is not. #{entry.value}

      is shown as an Invalid Expression.

      What we will do:
      1. When validator tries to resolve Seam EL in jsp/xhtml we should go up a dom tree and find all elements with "var" attribute.
      2. If EL contains name from "var" then we look for "value" attribute.
      3. Then we parse "value" attribute and translate it to a Seam context variable.
      4. Use the found context variable for validating Seam EL.
      5. We will add a new rule in seam validation preferences to let user switch off/on this feature.

      Here are a few limitations:
      1. It will work only for seam projects. But we don't have any JSF validation in jsp/xhtml.
      2. We wount recognize any special jsf components with "var". Just looking for every var/value attributes of all parent dom elements.

            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
            jacob.orshalick Jacob Orshalick (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
