I have a Maven eclipse webapp project created and deployed in my JBoss server. I have the deploy set to deploy as an exploded war, so I can see all the files that it produces in the deployment directory.
My webapp project is dependent on another Eclipse project (server.jar artifact). If I have both projects open in Eclipse at the same time, everything works fine.
My server.jar project is also dependent on other Eclipse projects (supportLib.jar). If I have those dependent projects opened at the same time, then the exploded jar file is invalid. Instead of exporting everything in src/main/java/* to the jar file, it exports everything from src/*. Consequently, the TopLevel in my jar file in the embedded projects is main.java.myTLD instead of myTLD.
For example, if I have the supportLib.jar project with files "src/main/java/myTld/file.java" opened at the same time as server.jar and webapp.war, then the exported war for supportLib.jar in the webapp.war folder is contains "META-INF and main" rather than "META-INF and myTLD".
I have updated to the latest version of JBoss Tools from the Helios update site and continue to see this problem.