Resolution: Done
EXECUTE: Import Seam-booking example (See http://seamframework.org/Seam3/Contribute for details how to get this example from Seam git repository.
EXECUTE: Open src/main/webapp/home.xhtml
EXECUTE: Ctrl+Left-Mouse-Click or press F3 while the text cursor is placed over 'home_header' resource bundle property in #
ASSERT: There should be the only Resource Bundle Property Hyperlinks like 'Open property 'home_header' of bundle 'messages'' hyperlink which opens messages resource bundle and selects 'home_header' property in it.
FAIL: Actually there are two Hyperlinks listed: One for resource bundle property (correct, as described above) and another one saying: "Should not get here" (which is wrong and have nothing to open. It came from CdiElResolver)
- relates to
JBIDE-9288 Open On for bundle messages doesn't work for CDI projects with International Module enabled
- Closed