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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-8755

Enable CDI support for Seam-3 mavenized projects.


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      * CDI support (and CDI Facet, when applicable) is enabled for maven projects depending on Seam 3 artifacts, without directly referring to CDI dependencies
      * JSF Facet is enabled on maven projects depending on the seam-faces artifact, without any direct dependency to the JSF libraries
      * CDI support (and CDI Facet, when applicable) is enabled for maven projects depending on Seam 3 artifacts, without directly referring to CDI dependencies * JSF Facet is enabled on maven projects depending on the seam-faces artifact, without any direct dependency to the JSF libraries

      I think we should enable CDI support (and JSF if applicable) for maven projects with any Seam-3 dependency.
      Such projects may be configured without direct CDI dependencies. For instance look at seam view-config example from Seam Faces module.

            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
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