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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-8445

Do not create markers at internal attribute validation by XModel


      This framework needs improvement/refactoring. It was created before WTP validation framework and is not integrated into it. In many cases problem markers created by our validation duplicate markers created by WTP validation.
      It is ok to have some internal validation for model consistency, but it should not interfere with the standard framework. Markers should be created by delegates of the validation job.
      Now, trees and forms of JBoss Tools editors recognize markers created by XModel and display them. We may try to replace this by
      1) either to be able to bind any markers with model objects
      Profit: that would immensely improve displaying problems in tree/form in JBoss Tools editors
      Possible Minus: It may be very resource consuming;
      2) or to store the found problems as internal objects, not as markers, and refactor editors/views to displaying them
      Profit: Preserve feature at the current level
      Minus: Developing internal framework that cannot be reused;
      3) or just drop it
      Profit: No need for development, just do not create markers.
      Minus: Problems in tree/form in JBoss Tools editors will not be displayed. Also, other possible unexpected aftermath should be addressed to.

              scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
              scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
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