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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-7884

Unable to get the default Bean Validation; missing javax.validation.Validation


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      1* Create normal Java Project
      2* Add Classpath provided by Ivy.
      3* Create Hibernate Console File>New>Hibernate Console Configuration
      4* Settings for console: Type: annotations, Configuration file: phibase-database.cfg.xml (take from org.phibase.database/doc), database Dialect: MySQL; classpath: Advanced>Add library>IvyDE.
      5* In hibernate configurations: click right button and select Rebuild Configuration

      1* Create normal Java Project 2* Add Classpath provided by Ivy. 3* Create Hibernate Console File>New>Hibernate Console Configuration 4* Settings for console: Type: annotations, Configuration file: phibase-database.cfg.xml (take from org.phibase.database/doc), database Dialect: MySQL; classpath: Advanced>Add library>IvyDE. 5* In hibernate configurations: click right button and select Rebuild Configuration

      I am developing project Phibase. The source is here: http://phibase2.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/phibase2/trunk/org.phibase.database.schema/ and database config file here: http://phibase2.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/phibase2/trunk/org.phibase.database/doc/ I cannot rebuild configuration and I have error: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to get the default Bean Validation factory. Stack track shows it's missing javax.validation.Validation. However this class occurs in ivy dependencies (look at ivy.xml). This error doesn't occurs in linux environment.

            dgeraskov Dmitry Geraskov (Inactive)
            phibase Jacek Grzebyta (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
