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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-5792

Problems installing JBossTools-ALL-linux-gtk-x86_64-3.0.3.v200910211631N-H194-GA.zip on linux


      I downloaded JBossTools-ALL-linux-gtk-x86_64-3.0.3.v200910211631N-H194-GA.zip and I tried to install it on linux system.

      I was unable to generate rpm files from file .spec (rpmbuild -tb ) in the section %files.
      The error I get is:
      "errore: Due file su di una riga: /opt/six/share/eclipse/plugins/org.mozilla.xulrunner.carbon.macosx_1.8.1.3-20070904/xulrunner/plugins/Default
      errore: Il file deve iniziare con "/": Plugin.plugin"
      The problem seems to be the presence of a folder named "Default Plugin.plugin" inside the "plugins\org.mozilla.xulrunner.carbon.macosx_1.8.1.3-20070904\xulrunner\plugins" folder. I suppose folder's name causes the problem. I removed this folder and the generation of rpm completed without errors.
      I do not understand the necessity of such folder that seems relative to MAC OS, considering that the plugin is for linux environment.
      Here is the .spec file I used:

      1. ---- !!!!! DO NOT EDIT THE FOLOWING CCA 20 LINES !!!!! ----

      %define six_root /opt/six
      %define __check_files %


      Summary: Prodotto per la configurazione
      Version: 3.0
      Release: 1
      License: xxx
      Group: SIX
      Source: eclipse.tgz
      Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%

      Vendor: xxx
      Distribution: xxx
      Packager: xxxx

      Provides: eclipse
      ###### ridefinisce la macro per i diritti di default
      %define inst_root %{six_root}/share
      %define inst_plugin_inside %{inst_root}/pluginInsideEclipse
      %define inst_plugin_outside %{inst_root}/pluginOutsideEclipse
      %setup -c -n %{name}


      1. crea la bulidroot se non esiste
        [ ! -d % {buildroot} ] && mkdir -p %{buildroot}
      2. crea la dir dove fare l'installazione se non esiste
        [ ! -d % {buildroot}%{inst_root} ] && mkdir -p %{buildroot}


        # Copio i file nella build root
        for I in noarch; do
        [ ! -d $I ] && continue;
        /bin/cp -a $I/* %{buildroot}%{inst_root}

        unset I
        cd %

        # Scompatto il file .tar.gz nella inst_root
        for I in $(ls *.tar.gz); do
        [ ! -f $I ] && continue;
        gtar xzvf $I
        # elimino i file. tar.gz dalla inst_root
        rm -f $I
        unset I
        cd %{buildroot}


        # Scompatto i file .zip nella inst_root/pluginInsideEclipse da usare per i plugins che non hanno cartella eclipse
        for I in $(ls *.zip); do
        [ ! -f $I ] && continue;
        unzip -q -o -u $I -d %{buildroot}%{inst_root}/%{name}
        unset I
        cd %{buildroot}%{inst_plugin_outside}
        # Scompatto i file .zip nella inst_root/pluginOutsideEclipse per i plugins che hanno cartella eclipse
        for I in $(ls *.zip); do
        [ ! -f $I ] && continue;
        unzip -q -o -u $I -d %{buildroot}%{inst_root}
        unset I

        # Rimozione delle cartelle che contengono i plugin
        rm -rf %{buildroot}%{inst_plugin_inside}

        rm -rf %

        # crea lista dei files
        %{six_root}/bin/rpmhelper -f %{buildroot}

        > %{_builddir}/%



      3. Clean
        [ % {buildroot} != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}

        [ %{_builddir}/%

        {name} != "/" ] && rm -rf %{_builddir}/%{name}

        rm -f %{_sourcedir}/%

        # definisce lista di file da istallare
        %files -f %{_builddir}/%{name}



        Istallazione ambiente eclipse e relativi plugin.

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              FraOvi Francesca Ovi (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
