During work of new KB plug-in (see https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE-2808) we introduced new EL Resolver mechanism. But implementation of these EL resolvers had come from old version of JSF and Seam tools. Now we are going to continue this work and refactor our EL Resolvers to make them more flexible for use.
A resolver should get an EL expression and return a structure of objects which will describe every segment of this expression. But not only a list of possible proposals for last segment as it works now.
We will use it in Code Compolition, Validation, OpenOns, Refactoring, ...
- blocks
JBIDE-4771 Find Usages and of methods used in EL expressions
- Resolved
JBIDE-4856 Refactoring Managed Bean(Seam Component)/Methods/Properties which are used in ELs.
- Resolved
JBIDE-4858 Refactoring messages from resource bundles which are used in EL.
- Closed
- relates to
JBDS-896 Improvments/refactoring of JBT EL resolvers
- Closed