A new ESB project has hte following inside it's component.xml file:
<wb-module deploy-name="TestESB">
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/esbcontent" />
<wb-resource deploy-path="/esbcontent" source-path="/src" />
<property name="java-output-path" value="/build/classes/" />
The question is, why is the following line in there at all?
<wb-resource deploy-path="/esbcontent" source-path="/src" />
If the Module Factory were properly made and checked the VCF for all mappings, (a goal that we have for the future), this would make all files in Project/src be published in Project.esb/esbcontent, which is clearly incorrect.
Do you mean that source-path /src should be mapped to deploy-path / ?
- is blocked by
JBIDE-4793 Add org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.wtp.core to build
- Resolved