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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-4173

Parse XSD file to create "structured data model"


      Parse xsd file to create "structured data model" to show them on "structured data dialog".

      Give a wizard page(XSD/WSDL input data selection page) to select a XSD file or WSDL file , and load the "elements" which define in the file.
      In the selection page , user need to point out which element is the root element. When finish this wizard page , smooks tools will record the xsd file path
      and the root element name in the "smooks-graph-ext" file.

      When the user open the "SelectorSelectionDialog" , the smooks tools will parse the infromations recorded in "smooks-graph-ext" and load the xsd file, the root element which point out by user will show on the dialog.

            DartPeng Xue Peng (Inactive)
            DartPeng Xue Peng (Inactive)
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