Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
When running https://github.com/lgrossma/jbosstools-integration-tests/blob/maven/tests/org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/maven/ui/bot/test/conversion/MaterializeLibraryTest.java via maven, creating a new Example (File -> New -> Example), selecting Jboss Tools Project Examples results in page with multiple projects you can choose from, but the list is missing "Jboss Maven Archetypes" entry which results in test failure
Workaround: Start test manually from eclipse via Reddeer
Steps to Reproduce
1. If you don't want to start all tests, comment out everything except MaterializeLibraryTest.class from https://github.com/lgrossma/jbosstools-integration-tests/blob/maven/tests/org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test/src/org/jboss/tools/maven/ui/bot/test/MavenAllBotTests.java
2. Get to the
3. run
mvn clean verify -U -PITests -Pdownload-jbt -DskipTests=false
4. Test fails because entry in list is missing
Possible cause is probably missing entry in MANIFEST.MF file, but can't figure out which one is missing