1) Create new dynamic web project (with runtime)
2) Convert it to maven project (both WAR and EJB)
3) Perform one of the following sequences of actions:
3A) Add the following dependency - "javax.enterprise", "cdi-api", "1.2"
3B) Add the following dependency - "javax.enterprise", "cdi-api", "2.0"
3C) Add the following dependency - "org.jboss.seam.faces", "seam-faces", "3.0.0.Alpha3"
3D) Add the following dependency - "org.jboss.seam.international", "seam-international", "3.0.0.Alpha1"
3E) Add the following dependency - "org.apache.deltaspike.core", "deltaspike-core-api", "1.9.3"
3F) Add the following dependency - "org.apache.deltaspike.core", "deltaspike-core-impl", "1.9.3"
4) Update the project using maven -> update project -> check the Force Update
5) Open project properties, navigate to Project Facets
ASSERT: The CDI Facet is checked (according to selected version in step 3)