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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-27720

WildFly quickstart 'kitchensink-ml' shows errors after import on openjdk-11,ubuntu2010


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.30.x
    • 4.19.0.AM1
    • project-examples
    • None
    • Undefined
    • +

      The kitchensink-ml quickstart shows errors after import into CRS on the following configurations:

      • openjdk-11,ubuntu2010

       On rhel8 and win10 and OS X there is no import issue.



      There are errors in imported project:
       Customer cannot be resolved to a type
       Customer cannot be resolved to a type
       Customer cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountRequest cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountRequest cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountRequest cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountResponse cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountResponse cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountResponse cannot be resolved to a type
       DiscountResponse cannot be resolved to a type
       ProfileMgmt cannot be resolved to a type
       ProfileMgmt cannot be resolved to a type
       The import org.jboss.quickstarts.ws.jaxws.samples.retail.profile.Customer cannot be resolved
       The import org.jboss.quickstarts.ws.jaxws.samples.retail.profile.DiscountRequest cannot be resolved
       The import org.jboss.quickstarts.ws.jaxws.samples.retail.profile.DiscountResponse cannot be resolved
       The import org.jboss.quickstarts.ws.jaxws.samples.retail.profile.ProfileMgmt cannot be resolved
       Type mismatch: cannot convert from ProfileMgmt to ProfileMgmt








            stephane.bouchet Stephane Bouchet
            zcervink Zbyněk Červinka (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
