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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-2760

Replace JMX in as.core and as.ui with more full-featured plugin


      Things to do:
      1) Get Permission from owner of jmx-eclipse
      2) Apply patches attached here to as.core and as.ui
      3) Add all new plugins to as.feature
      4) ensure build.properties and project versions etc are set to jboss standards
      5) ensure build system accounts for new plugins

      Things to verify in testing:
      0) Server can still start and stop successfully ******
      1) Event Log still works well and gives good information for starting / stopping
      2) "More Information" dialog still shows up when used against a secure server
      3) A new connection can be added / removed
      4) Server connections can not be added or removed, but are added or removed automatically when created or destroyed
      5) A Server's connection in the JMX view recognizes when the server starts and can be expanded
      6) A server's connection in the JMX view recognizes when the server is stopped and is no longer expandable
      7) All important exceptions are logged
      8) Verify twiddle still works in some fashion (OR remove it entirely... one or the other)

        1. JBIDE-2760_ui.patch
          66 kB
        2. JBIDE-2760_core.patch
          39 kB
        3. 2760-new-connection.jpg
          30 kB
        4. 2760-menu.jpg
          19 kB
        5. 2760-editor-v.jpg
          45 kB
        6. 2760-editor-h.jpg
          43 kB
        7. 2760-automatic-integration.jpg
          46 kB

              rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
              rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
