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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-27047

CRC server wizard: large file for 'CRC Pull Secret' ends Eclipse with OutOfMemoryError


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.14.0.Final
    • 4.14.0.AM1
    • cdk, openshift
    • None
    • devex #179 Jan/Feb 2020
    • Hide

      1. New -> Server -> CodeReady Containers 1.0+
      2. CRC Pull secret file -> Choose some large file, ie. crc binary
      3. Assert: Validation error of some kind
      Actual: OutOfMemory due to trying to read the binary file

      1. New -> Server -> CodeReady Containers 1.0+ 2. CRC Pull secret file -> Choose some large file, ie. crc binary 3. Assert: Validation error of some kind Actual: OutOfMemory due to trying to read the binary file

      Handling CRC pull secret results in OutOfMemoryError with dialog:

      We would need some proper check to handle such accidentally chosen files.

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              odockal@redhat.com Ondrej Dockal
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