Feature Request
Resolution: Done
devex #172 Sep 2019
We should add support for CRC:
- server adapter to start/stop CRC (like the CDK one)
- upon start, configure the OpenShift connection to the cluster
- causes
JBIDE-26854 Cannot create CDK Server adapter: "The selected folder does not have a Vagrantfile"
- Closed
JBIDE-26859 CRC server adapter wizard: Browse buttons are excessively wide
- Closed
JBIDE-26876 Explorer: ctx menu "Show In" > "Web Console" fails with "unauthorized" for CRC
- Closed
JBIDE-26697 Possible memory leak during Loading projects job when using cluster with lots of projects
- Reopened
- is related to
JBIDE-26840 Implement initial CRC Server adapter integration tests
- Closed
JBIDE-26848 CRC server adapter: existing connection is not updated
- Closed
JBIDE-26851 CRC server adapter: correct code according to sonar warnings
- Closed
JBIDE-26850 CRC server adapter: push secret path is not remembered & prefilled
- Open