Feature Request
Resolution: Done
devex #150 June 2018
Steps to perform:
a) mirror a copy of the latest Nodeclipse update site onto dl.jb.org for reproduceability
b) add that to the 3rd party target platform used for building RH Central
c) create a connector in Central for installing Nodeclipse into BOTH devstudio and jbosstools
(Mirroring step removed because we don't yet have confirmation from Legal that we are permitted to redistribute. So instead we'll just link to upstream remote site.)
The list of features to include will be those recommended in the screenshots here [1], under the B) UPDATE SITE (BIGGER CHOICE) section, or can be collected based on the existing Eclipse Marketplace connector provided by nodeclipse [2].
[1] http://www.nodeclipse.org/updates/
[2] https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/nodeclipse
Installed size is about 111M for these 14 features:
org.nodeclipse_1.0.2.201509250223 org.nodeclipse.enide.editors.jade.feature_1.0.2.201509250223 org.nodeclipse.pluginslist.feature_1.0.2.201509250223 com.eclipsesource.jshint.feature_0.10.1.20160216-0911 de.bastiankrol.startexplorer.feature_1.7.0 gitaddon.feature_1.0.0.20140303-0606 markdown.editor.feature_1.2.0.201501260515 net.mihai-nita.ansicon_1.3.1.201508091828 pm.eclipse.editbox.feature_0.70.0.201508180438 org.chromium.debug_0.3.9.201509250223 org.chromium.sdk_0.3.9.201509250223 tern-feature_1.1.0.201511082254 tern-jsdt-feature_1.1.0.201511082254 tern-server-nodejs-feature_1.1.0.201511082254
If any of these assumptions / feature brief details are incorrect, please correct them in this description or add comments to this JIRA.
PR to do mirror, if licenses are allowed:
- is blocked by
JBIDE-26180 TP: create target platform based on Eclipse 4.9 (Simrel 2018-09)
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-25597 TP: create target platforms based on Eclipse Photon
- Closed