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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-25909

Explorer: connection is not refreshed after editing credentials


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.6.0.AM2
    • 4.5.3.Final
    • openshift
    • None
    • devex #148 April 2018, devex #149 May 2018
    • Hide

      1. Create OpenShift Connection for CDK/Openshift.com instance and do not save credentials
      2. Check, if connection is working
      3. Restart devstudio
      4. After restart OpenShift Connection dialog pop ups, click on Cancel
      5. In OpenShift Explorer should be warning, that you need to authorize
      6. Edit connection and enter correct credentials and click on Finish
      7. OpenShift Connection in OpenShift explorer is not refreshed, there is still warning

      1. Create OpenShift Connection for CDK/Openshift.com instance and do not save credentials 2. Check, if connection is working 3. Restart devstudio 4. After restart OpenShift Connection dialog pop ups, click on Cancel 5. In OpenShift Explorer should be warning, that you need to authorize 6. Edit connection and enter correct credentials and click on Finish 7. OpenShift Connection in OpenShift explorer is not refreshed, there is still warning

      OpenShift Connection is not refreshed in OpenShift explorer after edit, its similar to linked JIRAs, but steps to reproduce are different.

              dbocharo@redhat.com Dmitrii Bocharov (Inactive)
              jkopriva@redhat.com Josef Kopriva
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
