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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-25756

OpenShift Explorer: OpenShift connection still displays project that was deleted


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.6.0.AM3
    • 4.5.3.AM2
    • openshift
    • devex #148 April 2018, devex #149 May 2018, devex #150 June 2018
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      1. Create connection to OpenShift online instance
      2. Create project with application
      3. Delete project and immediately create new one
      4. Create application in newly created project
      5. The old project is still in OpenShift explorer - but when I click on project there is a error message:
      "User "xxx" cannot list builds in project "xxx" User "xxx" cannot list builds in project "xxx" "
      (I am not sure, if this is 100% reproducible)

      1. Create connection to OpenShift online instance 2. Create project with application 3. Delete project and immediately create new one 4. Create application in newly created project 5. The old project is still in OpenShift explorer - but when I click on project there is a error message: "User "xxx" cannot list builds in project "xxx" User "xxx" cannot list builds in project "xxx" " (I am not sure, if this is 100% reproducible)
    • Workaround Exists
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      Manually refresh connection.

      Manually refresh connection.

      Refresh on OpenShift Connection in OpenShift Explorer should automatically refresh projects/applications/pods, otherwise user needs to manually refresh connection to get rid of deleted projects in OpenShift explorer.

      Also error message is duplicated.

              dbocharo@redhat.com Dmitrii Bocharov (Inactive)
              jkopriva@redhat.com Josef Kopriva
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
