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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-25159

Server adapter wizard: doesnt show up but selects existing but defunct adapter after I switched CDK


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      delete defunct server adapter. Server adapter wizard will then start to show up again (and not erroneously select the defunct adapter since it thinks that there already is an adapter for the service)

      delete defunct server adapter. Server adapter wizard will then start to show up again (and not erroneously select the defunct adapter since it thinks that there already is an adapter for the service)

      1. ASSERT: have cdk 3.1.1 installed and running
      2. ASSERT: have a connection, an application and a server adapter for this cdk (ex. an application created from nodejs-mongo-persistent template and the adapter therefore called nodejs-mongo-persistent
      3. EXEC: install cdk 3.2.0.alpha1 and launch it
      4. ASSERT: the new cdk is now on a different IP thant the one that cdk 3.1.1 used (ex. for cdk 3.1.1, for cdk 3.2.0.alpha1)
      5. ASSERT: DONT delete the server adapter for it
      6. EXEC: create an application from the same exmplate (ex. nodejs-mongo-persistent), do NOT create an adapter for it when creating the app
      7. EXEC: in OpenShift explorer: select service nodejs-mongo-persistent and pick Server Adapter in the context menu.

      The server adapter wizard doesnt show up. Instead the "Servers" view pops up and selects the server adapter for the service that existed in the previous cdk.
      Here's the screencast showing it: https://youtu.be/s772d9FMRIw

      Expected result:
      The server adapter wizard should show up. The existing server adapter is not matching the service that is selected in the explorer.

        1. image-2017-10-06-15-23-43-428.png
          101 kB
          André Dietisheim
        2. image-2017-10-06-15-23-43-428.png
          101 kB
          André Dietisheim

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              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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