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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24893

Feature Request - Development tools - eclipse launch configurations should be possible to be inferred from domain home


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Optional Optional
    • 4.30.x
    • 4.5.0.Final
    • None


      I believe that eclipse development with wildfly is quite cumbersome at the moment of defining a new wildfly domain runtime, in particular in regard to the resutilng "open launch configurations".

      When we consider what happens with weblogic domains, they normally all have a dedicated bin/ folder.
      I do the same thing when a create a fresh new wildfly domain, i enrich it with an additional bin/ folder where I pump in scripts to start/stop etc.. the domain.
      Where in particular, the start script is created with properties like java options that matter to our deployments.

      Weblogic start plugin uses the startWeblogic.cmd in the bin folder.
      Naturally, this does not happen on Wildfly because the concept for the bin scripts is different. They are generic and domain independent.

      But It would in any case be very nice, if it were possible to have some sort of convention that when the eclipse plugin looks at a stand alone domain, it could at least hunt for some sort of configuration file, such as an .eclipse_launch_parameters config, to override the default settings.
      If such a mechanism would exist, i could enhance my create domain logic to pump into such a configuration file the same setting that is use in my start wildfly scripts.bat.sh.

      As it stands, every time I create a new runtime I need to open the configuration page.
      Go to the launch configurations, remove the heap settings.
      And then go to my startup domain scripts, search for the java opts that I care about, and copy them over.

      This is quite time wasteful.
      It would be extremely helpful to be able to dodge point and click configuration, once I tell wildfly where the folder for my stand alone domain is located.

      Many thanks for taking into consideration this enhancement request for widlfly eclipse plugin.

              rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
              nuno.godinhomatos NUNO GODINHO DE MATOS (Inactive)
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