Resolution: Won't Do
devex #139 October 2017, devex #146 March 2018
- add tests to configuration/pom.xml [1] to avoid invalid links (eg., 4.5.0.GA instead of 4.5.0.Final)
Should also verify that development and stable are used correctly.
- For example, this is wrong:
(we shouldn't have a dev milestone 4.5.0.Final taking priority over 4.5)
- And this it wrong too:
(we shouldn't use the /development/ URLs for stable releases)
- is related to
JBIDE-18743 [release] Testing: write tests for download.jboss.org & devstudio.redhat.com xmlunit test cases; validate composite*.xml; *.properties validation -- check if all properties are defined (avoid boss.* vs. jboss.*)
- Closed