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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24441

Import wizard: "Do not clone - use existing repository" still enabled even though no repo exists


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      1. ASSERT: have https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts cloned to your default EGit clone destination (~/git/)
      2. ASSERT: have an eap application running in OpenShift
      3. EXEC: in Explorer: hit "Import Application..." in the context menu of your eap application (service)
      4. ASSERT: import wizard pops up complaining that the destination already contains a git repository
      5. EXEC: click "Do not clone - use existing repository
      6. EXEC: in cmd-line: remove (or move) the folder with the clone
      7. EXEC: uncheck "Do not clone - use existing repository"


      Error disappears (which is correct), but the "Do not clone - use existing repository" checkbox is enabled, which is wrong. There is no existing repo any more, thus there is no such option as to reuse an existing repo.

      Expected result:
      "Do not clone - use existing repository" should be disabled, not clickable. There is no existing repository, thus the option should not be available.

      ASSERT: have https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts cloned to your default EGit clone destination (~/git/) ASSERT: have an eap application running in OpenShift EXEC: in Explorer: hit "Import Application..." in the context menu of your eap application (service) ASSERT: import wizard pops up complaining that the destination already contains a git repository EXEC: click "Do not clone - use existing repository EXEC: in cmd-line: remove (or move) the folder with the clone EXEC: uncheck "Do not clone - use existing repository" Result: Error disappears (which is correct), but the "Do not clone - use existing repository" checkbox is enabled, which is wrong. There is no existing repo any more, thus there is no such option as to reuse an existing repo. Expected result: "Do not clone - use existing repository" should be disabled, not clickable. There is no existing repository, thus the option should not be available.

      1. image-2017-05-15-11-31-02-611.png
        65 kB
        André Dietisheim
      2. image-2017-05-15-11-26-27-131.png
        61 kB
        André Dietisheim

          Unassigned Unassigned
          adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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