As discussed in this thread [1], we'd like to implement Protected Branches and
Required Status Checks [2] for some jbosstools-* projects.
We will therefore need to document some requirements in jbosstools-devdoc about how to properly submit PRs when version-bumping is required:
Make sure if your PR requires a version bump that the PR includes TWO commits. One for the change, and one for the version bump. That way the pair of commits can be built in the PR build and verify it works, AND when cherry picking the commit across branches, you can pick only the change and not the version-bump commit too.
And we need to decide if we want to do what Fuse Tools does and require that PRs be reviewed before they can be merged, if we're ready to have that additional overhead on every PR. as project lead can you state which project(s) you'd like to see changed in github, and which ones should be changed as such:
- jbosstools-_____
- Protected Branch = master
- Required Status Check(s) = ....? (which checks do we want)
- PR reviews required = [true/false]
From that list of projects / requirements, we can then create subtask JIRAs to track the workj & the changes.
- is related to
JBIDE-25221 [jbosstools-openshift] Block PRs for merge untill review (approved by other team members)
- Closed
JBIDE-24797 Code formatter: define and hook code formatting enforcement for github PRs
- Pull Request Sent