Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
devex #130 April 2017
In the web-console jenkins pipelines are supported in the following way:
- when opening up an empty project you get a special template:
- which offers 2 different jenkins variants (and a full example that contains app source and build pipeline):
- once executed you get a special build type pipeline
- the full example template is using the following build config with the strategy type JenkinsPipeline:
apiVersion: v1 kind: BuildConfig metadata: name: sample-pipeline namespace: gulu selfLink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/gulu/buildconfigs/sample-pipeline uid: 12dec3c8-1948-11e7-a217-0251082287a6 resourceVersion: '3757' creationTimestamp: '2017-04-04T15:05:00Z' labels: app: jenkins-pipeline-example name: sample-pipeline template: application-template-sample-pipeline annotations: pipeline.alpha.openshift.io/uses: >- [{"name": "nodejs-mongodb-example", "namespace": "", "kind": "DeploymentConfig"}] spec: triggers: - type: GitHub github: secret: secret101 - type: Generic generic: secret: secret101 runPolicy: Serial source: type: None strategy: type: JenkinsPipeline jenkinsPipelineStrategy: jenkinsfile: >- node('nodejs') { stage 'build' openshiftBuild(buildConfig: 'nodejs-mongodb-example', showBuildLogs: 'true') stage 'deploy' openshiftDeploy(deploymentConfig: 'nodejs-mongodb-example') } output: {} resources: {} postCommit: {} nodeSelector: null status: lastVersion: 1
- is related to
JBIDE-24147 Pipeline view support
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