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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23890

Application Wizard: Finish is enabled after selecting a builder image, clicking next and then back


    • devex #128 February 2017
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      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection and a project
      EXEC: Select the project and choose new application
      EXEC: Select a builder image and click 'next'
      EXEC: Click 'back'
      RESULT: Finish button is enabled
      EXEC: Select a different builder image
      EXEC: Click 'Finish'
      RESULT: Summary is displayed for the new image but with the original image resources
      RESULT: New application is created based on the original image

      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection and a project EXEC: Select the project and choose new application EXEC: Select a builder image and click 'next' EXEC: Click 'back' RESULT: Finish button is enabled EXEC: Select a different builder image EXEC: Click 'Finish' RESULT: Summary is displayed for the new image but with the original image resources RESULT: New application is created based on the original image

      When creating a new application from a builder image, clicking 'next' and then going back again will leave the finish button enabled.
      Moreover it will store the image that was selected when next button was clicked so if the user selects a new image and clicks finish, it will still use the original image.

        1. app.png
          92 kB
          Jan Richter

              jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
              jrichter@redhat.com Jan Richter
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