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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23782

Server adapter: Should keep trying to start (silently) instead of erroring and giving up


      steps to reproduce:

      1. EXEC: create a new eap64-basic-s2i application in OpenShift and have the jboss-kitchensink project imported to your workspace (dont use a pre-created one)
      2. EXEC: create a server adapter for it

      The server adapter immediately tries to start and publish once you finish the server adapter wizard. This leads to the following error which is expected since the pods, that the server adapter wants to publish to, dont exist yet. The build has to finish first. Once it's finished, the pod will be ready and available for the adapter to sync to.

      The adapter then turns to [Stopped] and stays stopped.
      I then have to keep watching the OpenShift Explorer or the Properties to catch the moment when the build's finished and the service pod is running.
      Once this is achieved I can go and start the adapter which will then successfully publish.
      It would be much nicer if the adapter would do this waiting for me, it would possibly still inform me that the pod doesnt exist yet but would watch the build and start publishing once it exists.
      In order for this wait not to occur endlessly we could inform the user after some timeout, that we were waiting for some pods to appear but this didnt happen in the given timeframe.

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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            2 Start watching this issue
