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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23210

Application wizard: builder image application are created all the time for first project


    • devex #121 October 2016
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      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection with at least 2 projects.
      EXEC: Select second project and open New OpenShift Application wizard.
      EXEC: Select a builder image.
      EXEC: Finish the wizard.

      RESULT: Builder image resources are created on first project.
      EXPECTED RESULT: Builder image resources are created on second project.

      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection with at least 2 projects. EXEC: Select second project and open New OpenShift Application wizard. EXEC: Select a builder image. EXEC: Finish the wizard. RESULT: Builder image resources are created on first project. EXPECTED RESULT: Builder image resources are created on second project.

      Creation of an application based on builder image ignore preselected project and is created on first project all the time. This is happening only for builder images. Template based application are not affected by this issue.

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              penli Peng Li (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
