On March 3, 2025, Jira and Confluence support queue/operations will be moved from ServiceNow to Jira Service Management (JSM). Beginning on Mar. 3, raise support requests by visiting the JSM Portal.
ASSERT: make sure that you have an existing service running in OpenShift (ex. eap-app, created via the eap template)
EXEC: in OpenShift explorer: pick "Import Application" in the context menu of your service
ASSERT: the import wizard pops up populated with sensible defaults
EXEC: hit "Finish" in the import wizard
you get all the projects within jboss-eap-quickstarts imported to your workspace, not just the kitchensink project which the CONTEXT_DIR template parameter is pointing to.
Expected result:
The import wizard only imports the "kitchensink" project to your workspace.
If you create a new application by using the eap64-basic-s2i template, the import wizard is launched after the resources were created in OpenShift and it will (clone the whole git repository with the jboss-eap-quickstarts from //github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts but) will import only the "kitchensink" project to your workspace.
If you look at the build config for your service you'll find that the context directory is pointing to kitchensink, but is looks as if the import wizard was ignoring it:
ASSERT: make sure that you have an existing service running in OpenShift (ex. eap-app, created via the eap template)
EXEC: in OpenShift explorer: pick "Import Application" in the context menu of your service
ASSERT: the import wizard pops up populated with sensible defaults
EXEC: hit "Finish" in the import wizard
you get all the projects within jboss-eap-quickstarts imported to your workspace, not just the kitchensink project which the CONTEXT_DIR template parameter is pointing to.
Expected result:
The import wizard only imports the "kitchensink" project to your workspace.
If you create a new application by using the eap64-basic-s2i template, the import wizard is launched after the resources were created in OpenShift and it will (clone the whole git repository with the jboss-eap-quickstarts from //github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts but) will import only the "kitchensink" project to your workspace.
If you look at the build config for your service you'll find that the context directory is pointing to kitchensink, but is looks as if the import wizard was ignoring it:
"source" : {
"type" : "Git" ,
"git" : {
"uri" : "https: //github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts" ,
"ref" : "7.0.x-develop"
"contextDir" : "kitchensink"