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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21969

Show in Browser: route chooser should allow to user to choose route permanently


      steps to reproduce:

      1. ASSERT: have an apps with service and route running on OpenShift. Have it imported to your workspace
      2. ASSERT: you need at least a 2nd route in the same project (ex. by having a 2nd app in the same project)
      3. EXEC: launch New OpenShift 3 Server Adapter wizard
      4. ASSERT: make sure that you have Prompt for route when multiple routes available to show in browser checked (no route permanently selected)
      5. EXEC: create the adapter by picking service, local project etc.
      6. EXEC: in the context menu of your new server adapter: pick Show In > Web Browser
      7. ASSERT: Route chooser shows up (since there are several routes available)

      There's no way to permanently choose a route. The route chooser will always show up (as long as I have several routes in the same project)

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            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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