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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21920

Cannot use features which are using oc binary


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      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection in OpenShift explorer view.
      EXEC: Create a new application on the connection.
      ASSERT: Application is running and there is application pod.
      EXEC: Set path to oc binary in OpenShift 3 preference page.
      EXEC: Try to open application pod logs via context menu of application pod in OpenShift Explorer view.
      RESULT: Error message is shown in console and no pod log is displayed.
      EXPECTED RESULT: Pod log is shown in console.

      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection in OpenShift explorer view. EXEC: Create a new application on the connection. ASSERT: Application is running and there is application pod. EXEC: Set path to oc binary in OpenShift 3 preference page. EXEC: Try to open application pod logs via context menu of application pod in OpenShift Explorer view. RESULT: Error message is shown in console and no pod log is displayed. EXPECTED RESULT: Pod log is shown in console.

      After latest update of nightly JBT I am not able to get logs from pods(/builds) or use port forwarding . Because there is something wrong with setting oc path. When I set path on OpenShift 3 preference page to be pointing to correct oc binary, following e.g. getting log from pod results in showing following message in console

      The OpenShift 'oc' binary location was not specified. Set the property openshift.restclient.oc.location

      There is no stack trace available for this error in error log.

      But when using port forwading, there is an error with following stack

      com.openshift.restclient.capability.resources.LocationNotFoundException: The OpenShift 'oc' binary location was not specified. Set the property openshift.restclient.oc.location
      	at com.openshift.internal.restclient.capability.resources.AbstractOpenShiftBinaryCapability.getOpenShiftBinaryLocation(AbstractOpenShiftBinaryCapability.java:189)
      	at com.openshift.internal.restclient.capability.resources.AbstractOpenShiftBinaryCapability.start(AbstractOpenShiftBinaryCapability.java:123)
      	at com.openshift.internal.restclient.capability.resources.OpenShiftBinaryPortForwarding.forwardPorts(OpenShiftBinaryPortForwarding.java:66)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.core.portforwarding.PortForwardingUtils$1.visit(PortForwardingUtils.java:128)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.core.portforwarding.PortForwardingUtils$1.visit(PortForwardingUtils.java:1)
      	at com.openshift.internal.restclient.model.KubernetesResource.accept(KubernetesResource.java:91)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.core.portforwarding.PortForwardingUtils.startPortForwarding(PortForwardingUtils.java:124)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.ui.portforwading.PortForwardingWizardModel.startPortForwarding(PortForwardingWizardModel.java:110)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.ui.portforwading.PortForwardingWizardPage$3$1.run(PortForwardingWizardPage.java:157)
      	at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)

              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
