Resolution: Done
devex #2 February 2016, devex #3 February 2016, devex #4 March 2016
When clicking on the Debug button of the server adapter, the Debug variables should be set, if necessary.
The remote debug port could be read from server adapter preferences, default to 8787
{ "name" : "debug", "containerPort" : 8787, "protocol" : "TCP" }
- and to spec.containers.env:
{ "name" : "DEBUG", "value" : "true" }, { "name" : "DEBUG_PORT", "value" : "8787" }
If the remote debug port was already set (possibly to another value), then it should be returned
- is blocked by
OSJC-245 Add API to manipulate ports on a Deployment Config
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-22066 Server adapter: Stopping debugging of OpenShift application should get application back to normal state.
- Pull Request Sent