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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21421

New Server adapter using same build config and server is ignored


      When I have a OS3 server adapter in Server view and I open wizard to create a new server adapter from context menu of a servers view, the newly created server adapter is ignored if same build config name and server is used. E.g. I have a server api.engint.openshift.com and eap-app build config (related to the service that server adapter is supposed to be bind to). First time I create a new server adapter for this application, it is shown in servers view, but if I choose to create another server adapter for same build config and server, details filled in this newly opened server adapter wizard are ignored and new adapter is not created.

      I would expect one of following:
      a) An existing server adapter will be updated according to the latest details filled in server adapter wizard
      b) There would be created another server adapter for the same service (and build config) and server but with altered name. This is possible solution because a server adapter name in wizard is already altered but it is never used anywhere.

            scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
