Resolution: Done
Fred said:
So the m2e archetype feature also embeds a version of vulnerable commons-collections, that we need to fix upstream (even though it's not really vulnerable, just makes people cringy) –
So, we need a new version of m2e 1.6.x (with fix for apache commons collections 3.2.2 / COLLECTIONS-580 / JBDS-3560) and we can then mirror it and update the 4.50.x and 4.51.x TPs (for JBDS 9.1, not 9.0.1).
- clones
JBIDE-21118 Update 4.60.x TP to m2e 1.7 (with fix for apache commons collections 3.2.2 / COLLECTIONS-580 / JBDS-3560)
- Closed
- is related to
JBDS-3560 Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer (COLLECTIONS-580)
- Closed
- relates to
JBIDE-21106 Update to m2e 1.7 and m2e-wtp 1.3
- Closed