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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20972

As a user I want to see relevant but simple info about my OpenShift v3 server adapter in the servers view


    • Medium

      Add an alternate view in the openshift v3 explorer to try to 'link' resources in a similiar fashion to the web console

        1. 2015-10-13 19.03.bmml
          3 kB
          André Dietisheim
        2. 2015-10-13 19.03.png
          29 kB
          André Dietisheim
        3. Console of 'App' with the pieces wired.png
          43 kB
          André Dietisheim
        4. Pipeline view mockup.bmml
          3 kB
          André Dietisheim

              Unassigned Unassigned
              jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
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