On March 3, 2025, Jira and Confluence support queue/operations will be moved from ServiceNow to Jira Service Management (JSM). Beginning on Mar. 3, raise support requests by visiting the JSM Portal.
1. EXEC: Connect to OpenShift server and create a project
2. EXEC: Create BuildConfig resource using template json file, and make sure the secret of webhooks contain uppercase letter like below:
"type": "Generic",
"generic": {
"secret": "B5N2MoHkqBCANwdwFjfImmMuLPyGR6UXILm1EmhD"
3. EXEC: Expand "Build Configs" in OpenShift Explorer -> right click above buildconfig object name -> click "Properties"
4. EXEC: Expand "Webhooks" in Properties
5. ASSERT: The uppercase letter in secret of webhooks is translated to lowercase within webhooks url like below:
1. EXEC: Connect to OpenShift server and create a project
2. EXEC: Create BuildConfig resource using template json file, and make sure the secret of webhooks contain uppercase letter like below:
"type": "Generic",
"generic": {
"secret": " B5N2MoHkqBCANwdwFjfImmMuLPyGR6UXILm1EmhD "
3. EXEC: Expand "Build Configs" in OpenShift Explorer -> right click above buildconfig object name -> click "Properties"
4. EXEC: Expand "Webhooks" in Properties
5. ASSERT: The uppercase letter in secret of webhooks is translated to lowercase within webhooks url like below:
https://openshift-138.lab.sjc.redhat.com:8443/oapi/v1/namespaces/chunpj/buildconfigs/ruby-sample-build/webhooks/ b5n2mohkqbcanwdwfjfimmmulpygr6uxilm1emhd /generic