Resolution: Obsolete
jts quickstart contains XML validation errors after import:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'iiop:binding-name'. One of '{"urn:iiop":ejb-name}' is expected. jboss-ejb3.xml /jboss-jts-application-component-2/src/main/resources/META-INF line 30 XML Problem
Referenced file contains errors (jar:file:/home/rhopp/eclipse/jbdevstudio-9.0.0.Beta2/studio/plugins/org.jboss.tools.as.catalog_3.1.0.Beta2-v20150716-2030-B26.jar!/schema/xsd/jboss-ejb3-spec-2_0.xsd). For more information, right click on the message in the Problems View and select "Show Details..." jboss-ejb3.xml /jboss-jts-application-component-2/src/main/resources/META-INF line 1 XML Problem
The same error was once reported in JBIDE-17871, but that jira was closed as duplicate (of JBIDE-12990), but this error is not in the original (JBIDE-12990) issue.
- relates to
JBIDE-26821 Should remove outdated examples
- Open
- links to