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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20100

how to make users aware of fuse and other tooling only being available from earlyaccess?


      jtyrrell find it confusing when he cannot see Fuse and other earlyaccess features immediately on the install page.

      Some comments:
      "I install JBDS 8.1 and click on the JBoss Integration and SOA Development, but where is the Fuse tooling in that list."
      "<without earlyaccess> why doesn’t my screen shot tell me to use an older version of JBDS or something."

      "when I picked the Integration Stack a greyed out Fuse IDE thingy in the list of choices, and something like (Select early Access) to enable this feature."

      I'm fine exploring options to show early access features more prominently but would prefer we would not need to treat Fuse "special" so maybe we should have a "Early Access" section at the bottom instead of filtered in between everything else ?

      and for any connectors that has additional/different features just add a "Extra features available in Early access " comment ?

      But what to do when Fuse or others dont even have an earlyaccess out yet ? (like is currently the state for devstudio 9)

      crobson@redhat.com, acunning@redhat.com and lheinema@redhat.com got any suggestions ?

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
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