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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-19932

v3 Application wizard, GTK3 only: Details tree shows same label everywhere


    • Sprint #4 May 2015
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      1. ASSERT: make sure you created/have a v3 connection in explorer
      2. EXEC: unfold your v3 connection, select a project and pick New->Application in the context menu
      3. ASSERT: v3 appliaction wizard shows up listing the projects
      4. ASSERT: "Details" button is disabled
      5. EXEC: unfold a project and select a template
      6. ASSERT: "Details" button gets enabled
      7. EXEC: hit "Details"

      The upcoming dialog has a tree has shows the same label for all items

      ASSERT: make sure you created/have a v3 connection in explorer EXEC: unfold your v3 connection, select a project and pick New->Application in the context menu ASSERT: v3 appliaction wizard shows up listing the projects ASSERT: "Details" button is disabled EXEC: unfold a project and select a template ASSERT: "Details" button gets enabled EXEC: hit "Details" Result: The upcoming dialog has a tree has shows the same label for all items

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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