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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-19808

Teiid Designer would like to depend on org.apache.directory.studio plugins


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.2.4.Final
    • 4.2.3.Final
    • target-platform, teiid
    • None

      Teiid Designer currently employs a UI for interrogating and importing metadata from an LDAP server. This UI (2 wizards) is limited and prone to issues, eg. TEIIDDES-2478.

      The project directory.apache.org provides a more sophisticated LDAP browser View UI but has componentized into smaller reusable widgets. The BrowserWidget provides the main tree view and querying ability. Teiid would like to reuse this widget in its UI. Originally, an attempt was made to copy the widget yet porting in this fashion required the porting of 100+ classes hence a dependency makes far more sense.

      The current working implementation of Teiid with this widget can be found here:

      The current release of the apache.directory project is 2 years old. However, speaking to one of the developers on #apache-directory, the project is being actively maintained and a release is being considered with the next couple of months. In addition, the svn repository is receiving commits.

      Project page/sources:

      Version: 2.0.0

      License and owner: Apache licence and Foundation

      Original p2 repo: http://directory.apache.org/studio/update/2.x/

      JBoss mirror: http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/requirements/apache-directory/2.0.0/

      Include Sources: Not available from existing update site but may well be in the next release.

      Affected projects: Teiid Designer

      Include in JBDS: Yes

      Type of dependency: distribution

      List of bundles added/removed:

      • org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model
      • org.apache.directory.studio.common.core
      • org.apache.directory.studio.common.ui
      • org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core
      • org.apache.directory.studio.connection.ui
      • org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.common
      • org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core
      • org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.ui Eliminated the dependency
          <!-- Needed by Teiid Designer for support with ldap browsing UI -->
          <location includeAllPlatforms="false" includeMode="slicer" includeSource="true" type="InstallableUnit">
            <repository location="http://directory.apache.org/studio/update/2.x/"/>
            <unit id="org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.feature.feature.group" version="2.0.0.v20130628"/>

        1. build.xml
          2 kB
        2. p2.diff
          82 kB

              blafond Barry LaFond
              parichar@redhat.com Paul Richardson
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
