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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18857 Java EE 7 Batch support
  3. JBIDE-19507

Search and rename participants for Batch Artifacts


      Search Participant

      1. Should be able to find references in job.xml files for Batch Artifact Class IType

      During the search for references for class "SearchableBatchlet" like:

      package batch;
      import javax.batch.api.BatchProperty;
      import javax.batch.api.Batchlet;
      import javax.inject.Inject;
      import javax.inject.Named;
      public class SearchableBatchlet implements Batchlet {
      	@Inject @BatchProperty(name="secondName") String otherName;
      	public String process() throws Exception {
      		return null;
      	public void stop() throws Exception {

      In the search result should be added references in jbob.xml files like this:

      2. Should be able to find references in job.xml files for Batch Artifact Property IField

      During the search for references for field "otherName" of class "SearchableBatchlet" in the search result should be added references in jbob.xml files like this:

      3. Should be able to find references in job.xml files for Exception Class IType

      During the search for references for class "SearchableException" like:

      package batch;
      public class SearchableException extends Exception{
      	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

      In the search result should be added references in jbob.xml files like this:

      Rename Participant

      1. Should be able to add changes in Batch Artifact Class Rename for references in job.xml files.

      Note: Rename Participant does make sense only for Batch Artifacts which name comes from Java Class Name, not from annotation @Named


      During rename of class "SearchableBatchlet" changes for job.xml references should be added in Refactoring:

      2. Should be able to add changes in Batch Property Rename for references in job.xml files.

      Note: Rename Participant does make sense only for Batch Properties which name comes from Java Field Name, not from annotation @BatchProperty


      package batch;
      import javax.batch.api.BatchProperty;
      import javax.batch.api.Batchlet;
      import javax.inject.Inject;
      import javax.inject.Named;
      public class RenamablePropertyBatchlet implements Batchlet {
      	@Inject @BatchProperty String otherName;
      	public String process() throws Exception {
      		return null;
      	public void stop() throws Exception {

      During rename of field "otherName" changes for job.xml references should be added in Refactoring:

      3. Should be able to add changes in Exception Class Rename for references in job.xml files.


      During rename of class "SearchableException" changes for job.xml references should be added in Refactoring:

        1. SearchableExceptionReferences.png
          85 kB
        2. SearchableBatchletReferences.png
          79 kB
        3. PropertyRename.png
          68 kB
        4. FieldReference.png
          57 kB
        5. ExceptionRename.png
          89 kB
        6. BatchArtifactRename.png
          89 kB

              dazarov_jira Daniel Azarov (Inactive)
              dazarov_jira Daniel Azarov (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
