
      1. Attribute @ref - open java class.
      a) Collection<IBatchArtifact> a = IBatchProject.getArtifacts(String name); where %name% is the attribute value.
      b)IType t = IBatchArtifact.getType();
      It is an error if the collection has more than one element, but open-on may show list of options.

      2. Attribute @next - open @id by value. Look only among siblings of owner element of @next.

      3. Attribute @to - open @id by value. Look only among children of the grandparent of the owner element of @to.

      4. Attribute @restart - open @id by value. Look only among children of root element <job>.

      5. Attribute properties/property/@name - open java field.
      a) Take parent of properties element and take its @ref attribute.
      b) Collection<IBatchArtifact> a = IBatchProject.getArtifacts(String name); where %name% is the attribute @ref value.
      c) IBatchProperty p = IBatchArtifact.getProperty(String name); where %name% is the attribute @name value.
      d) IField f = IBatchProperty.getFiled();

      Test case:

      1. Import project jbosstools-javaee/batch/itests/org.jboss.tools.batch.core.itest/projects/BatchTestProject
      2. Open file /src/META-INF/batch-jobs/job-openon-1.xml in Batch Job Configuration Editor and switch to tab "Source"
      3. Press Ctrl and click mouse to "batchlet1" in batchlet node

      Java Class "batch.MyBatchlet" opened in Java Editor (1. of Description)

      4. Press Ctrl and click mouse to "myBatchletStep2" in node "<step id="myBatchletStep1" next="myBatchletStep2">"

      Node "<step id="myBatchletStep2">" selected in Batch Job Configuration Editor (2. of Description)

      5. Same for attributes "to" and "restart" (3. and 4. of Description)

      6. Press Ctrl and click mouse to "worktime" in node "<property name="worktime" value="#



      Java Class "batch.MyBatchlet" opened in Java Editor and Java Field "time" selected. (5. of Description)

              dazarov_jira Daniel Azarov (Inactive)
              alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
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