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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18508

EAR Maven project loses lib/ artifacts deployed to EAP broken after closing/reopening


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • LATER
    • 4.1.2.Final
    • maven, upstream
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      EAR Maven project loses lib/ artifacts deployed to EAP broken after closing/reopening

      0. setup the redhat techpreview/all maven repository
      1. Import the project as Maven project
      2. Deploy the restbay-ear project to EAP 6.2 (or 6.3)
      3. Close all 4 subprojects of the restbay project
      4. reopen all the restbay projects
      5. now the application will automatically redeploy
      6. this redeployment will result in a failure.

      If you compare the deployment folders before/after the closing/reopening of the project, you will notice some of the restbay-ear.ear/lib/ libraries are missing.

      EAR Maven project loses lib/ artifacts deployed to EAP broken after closing/reopening 0. setup the redhat techpreview/all maven repository 1. Import the project as Maven project 2. Deploy the restbay-ear project to EAP 6.2 (or 6.3) 3. Close all 4 subprojects of the restbay project 4. reopen all the restbay projects 5. now the application will automatically redeploy 6. this redeployment will result in a failure. If you compare the deployment folders before/after the closing/reopening of the project, you will notice some of the restbay-ear.ear/lib/ libraries are missing.
    • Workaround Exists
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      • right-click on EAR project and Maven > Update Project... (or just Alt+F5) to trigger maven configuration update => Seam resteasy and quartz libs will show up in the Projet Explorer view > restbay-ear > Deployment Descriptor > Bundle libraries > Library directory
      • In server view, EAP server, right click on restbay-ear module and trigger a full publish
      right-click on EAR project and Maven > Update Project... (or just Alt+F5) to trigger maven configuration update => Seam resteasy and quartz libs will show up in the Projet Explorer view > restbay-ear > Deployment Descriptor > Bundle libraries > Library directory In server view, EAP server, right click on restbay-ear module and trigger a full publish

      EAR Maven project loses lib/ artifacts deployed to EAP after closing/reopening

      0. setup the redhat techpreview/all maven repository
      1. Import the (attached) project as Maven project
      2. Deploy the restbay-ear project to EAP 6.2 (or 6.3)
      3. Close all 4 subprojects of the restbay project
      4. reopen all the restbay projects
      5. now the application will automatically redeploy
      6. this redeployment will result in a failure.

      If you compare the deployment folders before/after the closing/reopening of the project, you will notice some of the restbay-ear.ear/lib/ libraries are missing.

              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              maschmid@redhat.com Marek Schmidt
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              5 Start watching this issue
