
      For JBIDE 4.2.0.CR2 [JavaEE]: Please perform the following tasks:

      0. If nothing has changed in your component since JBT 4.2.0.CR1 or JBDS 8.0.0.CR1 (eg., XulRunner, Freemarker, BIRT), Reject this JIRA.

      Otherwise, for all other projects:

      0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.CR2, 4.2.0.Final, 8.0.0.CR2 or 8.0.0.GA. Unresolved issues should be marked with a respin- label, unless they are issues which cannot be completed until closer to GA.

      Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.CR2, 4.2.0.Final, 8.0.0.CR2, 8.0.0.GA

      1. In the jbosstools-4.2.x branch, update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.CR2-SNAPSHOT


      3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform versions

      mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.CR2-SNAPSHOT
      mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.41.0.CR2-SNAPSHOT

      5. If you did not already do so, IN YOUR MASTER BRANCH:

      git checkout master
      git pull origin master

      6. Update your master branch parent pom to use the latest version, 4.3.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT:


      Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:

      • 4.2.0.CR2-SNAPSHOT in your jbosstools-4.2.x branch, and
      • 4.3.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT in your master branch.

      4. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.

      Search for all task JIRA, or Search for JavaEE task JIRA

            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
