Forge 2 New Project wizard field names should have consistent sentence case - see Guideline 1.6
- Ctrl+4 + New Project
- Final Name > Final name
- Project Type > Project type
- Build System > Build system
For 'From Archetype' window:
- Archetype Repository > Archetype repository << would it be clearer if were 'Archetype repository URL'?
- Enter a maven archetype coordinate > Enter a Maven archetype coordinate
For 'From Archetype Catalog' window:
- Choose a maven archetype for your project > Choose a Maven archetype for your project
- is blocked by
JBIDE-18388 Upgrade Forge Runtime to 2.11.0.Final
- Closed
- is cloned by
FORGE-2038 Forge New Project wizard - field names should have the same case
- Closed