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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18123

Embed wizard: Deselecting embeddable cartridge does not trigger "possible data loss" dialog


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      1. ASSERT: have an application with at least 1 cartridge embedded (ex. mysql)
      2. EXEC: in OpenShift Explorer: Pick "Edit embedded cartridges" for your applicaiton in the context menu
      3. EXEC: in Embed wizard: uncheck your embedded cartridge (ex. mysql)

      The cartridge is unchecked and removed once you hit "Finish"

      You should get warned and required to confirm the removal (as it was implemented in JBIDE-13961)

      ASSERT: have an application with at least 1 cartridge embedded (ex. mysql) EXEC: in OpenShift Explorer: Pick "Edit embedded cartridges" for your applicaiton in the context menu EXEC: in Embed wizard: uncheck your embedded cartridge (ex. mysql) Result: The cartridge is unchecked and removed once you hit "Finish" Expected: You should get warned and required to confirm the removal (as it was implemented in JBIDE-13961 )

      In JBIDE-16890 we implemented showing a dialog informing about possible data loss after removing an embeddable cartridge. Nowadays this dialog is not shown anymore after unselecting embedded cartridge in Edit Embedded Cartridges shell (opened via context menu of an application).

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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