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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18100

Application wizard, server adapter: New->File->OpenShift App is using "existing application" from selected server adapter. Should not


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      1. ASSERT: make sure that you have an OpenShift server adapter select in the "Servers" view
      2. EXEC: launch application wizard via File->New->OpenShift/OpenShift Application
      3. EXEC: choose any connection, pick any basic cartridge and get to the next wizard page

      "Create New Project" is unchecked and the project that the (selected) server adapter is publishing is filled in in "Use existing project"

      ASSERT: make sure that you have an OpenShift server adapter select in the "Servers" view EXEC: launch application wizard via File->New->OpenShift/OpenShift Application EXEC: choose any connection, pick any basic cartridge and get to the next wizard page Result: "Create New Project" is unchecked and the project that the (selected) server adapter is publishing is filled in in "Use existing project"
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      uncheck "use existing project"

      uncheck "use existing project"

      This is happening only in wizard opened via shell menu (File - New - OpenShift Application). Opening New application wizard via Central and OpenShift explorer works fine (probably because of view focus).

      Issue is preselected existing application in New application wizard although I had no intentions to do it. If I have selected a server adapter and then I opened New application wizard via shell menu and go via wizard to the third wizard page, where the field for using an existing project is placed, there is used project from existing selected server adapter. For better and more obvious explanation see attached video: out-1.ogv

        1. out-1.ogv
          5.31 MB
        2. selected-server-adapter.png
          21 kB
        3. used-existing-project.png
          31 kB

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
