Resolution: Done
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes, Interactive Demo/Tutorial, User Experience
EXEC: Import a git based project into the workspace in JBT (ex. git@github.com:adietish/kitchensink.git)
EXEC: Launch New application wizard from OpenShift explorer (or launch via project context menu Configure->New/Import OpenShift Application).
EXEC: Choose basic cartridge and click Next button (ex. EAP 6).
EXEC: Fill in name on the next wizard page and click Next.
EXEC: Choose Use existing project and select the existing git based project.
EXEC: Finish the wizard.
RESULT: There is the error that there are uncommitted changes and it is required to commit them first. Application on OpenShift is default (from basic cartridge).
This is expected as you cannot merge into a project with uncommitted changes. But the missing requirement (clean project without uncommitted changes) can be spotted far earlier when the existing project is selected.
- clones
JBIDE-17740 Application wizard: Cannot deploy git-based project to OpenShift
- Closed
- incorporates
JBIDE-16221 Application wizard: dont know what field is erroring when "use existing" is checked
- Closed
- is cloned by
JBIDE-17848 Application wizard: dirty project should not be selectable as existing project (validate before starting to merge openshift app into existing proj and fail)
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-14890 Application wizard: Use EGit recursive merge instead of copying git repository
- Closed