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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17819

Application wizard: doesnt notice changes in remote when switching pages


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.2.0.CR1
    • 4.2.0.Beta3
    • openshift
    • None
    • Hide
      1. ASSERT: have an existing project in your workspace (ex. clone of git@github.com:adietish/kitchensink.git)
      2. ASSERT: make sure your existing project already has a remote called "openshift" (ex. add erroneous remote via: git remote add openshift --f git@github.com:jbosstools/jbosstools-openshift.git)
      3. EXEC: package explorer: pick Configure->New/Import OpenShift Application in the context menu of the project
      4. EXEC: select basic cartridge and get to the last wizard page where the git settings may be configured
      5. ASSERT: wizard errors telling you that the project already has a remote "openshift"
      6. EXEC: go to the cmd line and remove the "openshift" remote (git remote remove openshift)
      7. EXEC: get to the previous wizard page and then back to the last wizard page with the git settings

      wizard still errors even though the remote was removed

      Expected result:
      wizard should not error now since the remote does not exist any longer (wizard didnt notice that we removed the remote)

      ASSERT: have an existing project in your workspace (ex. clone of git@github.com:adietish/kitchensink.git) ASSERT: make sure your existing project already has a remote called "openshift" (ex. add erroneous remote via: git remote add openshift --f git@github.com:jbosstools/jbosstools-openshift.git) EXEC: package explorer: pick Configure->New/Import OpenShift Application in the context menu of the project EXEC: select basic cartridge and get to the last wizard page where the git settings may be configured ASSERT: wizard errors telling you that the project already has a remote "openshift" EXEC: go to the cmd line and remove the "openshift" remote (git remote remove openshift) EXEC: get to the previous wizard page and then back to the last wizard page with the git settings Result: wizard still errors even though the remote was removed Expected result: wizard should not error now since the remote does not exist any longer (wizard didnt notice that we removed the remote)
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      close the wizard and restart it. The wizard will notice that there's not "openshift" remote any more

      close the wizard and restart it. The wizard will notice that there's not "openshift" remote any more
    • Low

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
