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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-16329 Support JAX-RS 2.0
  3. JBIDE-16753

Provide support for server-side Filters and Interceptors



    • Sprint to Beta3 Release
    • Server-side JAX-RS 2.0 Interceptors and Filters are now recognized and included in the JAX-RS Metamodel. Thus, these elements can be validated by the JAX-RS Validator, too.


      (See JAX-RS 2.0 spec., Chap.6)

      Filters and Interceptors interfaces

      As far as server-side JAX-RS is concerned, 4 types of interceptors should be support in the tooling:

      public interface ContainerRequestFilter {
          void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException;
      public interface ContainerResponseFilter {
          void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
              ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException;
      public interface ReaderInterceptor {
          Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext context)
      throws java.io.IOException, javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;
      public interface WriterInterceptor {
          void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext context)
              throws java.io.IOException, javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;

      User-defined Interceptors should implement one or more of those interfaces and should be annotated with @Provider to be automatically discovered. Without such annotation, they should be configured in the Application

      Optionally, user-defined ContainerRequestFilter can also be annotated with @PreMatching to indicate that it should be executed upon receiving a client request but before a resource method is matched


      Global binding is the default type of binding. A filter or interceptor that has no annotations is assumed to be bound globally, i.e. it applies to all the resource methods in an application. Like any other provider, a filter or interceptor can be registered manually (e.g., via Application or Configuration) or be discovered automatically. Note that for a filter or interceptor to be automatically discovered it MUST be annotated with @Provider.

      A filter or interceptor can be associated with a resource class or method by declaring a new binding annota- tion à la CDI. These annotations are declared using the JAX-RS meta-annotation @NameBinding and are used to decorate both the filter (or interceptor) and the resource method or resource class.

      For example:

      class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter,
                                        ContainerResponseFilter {
      public class MyResourceClass {
          public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
      @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
      @Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
      public @interface Logged { }

      In this particular case, the binding annotation should be detected (same way as HTTP Methods) and the tooling should provide a way to navigate between the resource class or resource method and the associated/bound provider.

      Binding annotations can also be applied to resource classes and Application subclasses. Binding annota- tions that decorate resource classes apply to all resource methods defined in them.

      In that case,


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              xcoulon@redhat.com Xavier Coulon
              xcoulon@redhat.com Xavier Coulon
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